VidGrid Integration With VGCC Moodle
If you are using VidGrid with VGCC Moodle as an integrated content management system for your course content, you’ll want to make sure you integrate the video sharing software with your VGCC Moodle installation. However, there are several steps you can take to reduce the load time. First, merge multiple JavaScript or CSS files into one file. This will reduce the number of requests your browser has to make to render the page. Merging multiple assets into one file can reduce the number of requests your page makes by about 10 to six. Using fewer assets can also reduce your page load time.
VGCC Moodle FAQs
The Moodle learning management system is the online tool used by GCC for regular and online courses. If you are not familiar with Moodle, here’s a brief introduction. To get started, go to the Moodle website. You can also read about the Moodle Student login guide. Regardless of whether you’re taking online classes or attending a traditional class, this site will provide a host of useful information.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions for VGCC Moodle website address the most frequently asked questions for students and faculty about Moodle. These questions cover everything from getting started to completing the FAFSA. In addition, these questions cover the use of Moodle, logging into your student e-mail account, and general enrollment information. Frequently Asked Questions for VGCC Moodle are aimed at providing assistance for all facets of the college community, including students, faculty, and staff.
Help desk VGCC Moodle
The help desk at VGCC is the place to go for general questions about Moodle, the VGCC website, and more. They can also assist you with questions about completing the FAFSA and obtaining a student e-mail account. The Help Desk is accessible to VGCC faculty, staff, and students across all divisions. They are available to assist you with any questions that you may have.
VidGrid integration
The VidGrid integration with Moodle provides faculty with a comprehensive video platform. VidGrid allows instructors to create and view videos on any device, and integrates with Moodle grade books to pass quiz results directly to instructors’ grade books. Free integration features include video content management, search, and embedding, as well as student recording. In addition, instructors can assign video response assignments right in Moodle.