How to Get VUMC Compliance Portal
The VUMC compliance portal offers online courses on research safety and compliance. Its courses focus on ensuring the safety of subjects in research studies. The courses are available to faculty, staff, and students. The VUMC compliance portal also offers a number of free resources for the research community. Among them are compliance guidelines, training requirements, and more. Interested parties can explore the VUMC compliance portal and find the resources that best fit their needs.
Training Requirements For Faculty
The VUMC compliance portal contains a wealth of information about how to keep your research study safe and compliant. This includes information about human research protection programs, Title IX reporting requirements, and training for supervisors. The Office of Human Research Protections also manages arrangements with external IRBs and serves as a lead IRB for select studies. It also processes reportable events and Emergent Risk Information, which may result in protocol amendments or changes to informed consent.
The VUMC learning exchange also features a customizable compliance training system for faculty. Faculty can customize the training requirements by completing a short survey. This way, they only see training modules that are relevant to them. For example, if faculty members are concerned about hazardous waste, they can choose to only receive notifications about training requirements that are relevant to their work.
As a part of Vanderbilt University, faculty and staff members can access the compliance portal to learn more about the policies and procedures governing their conduct. This will help them comply with the Vanderbilt University Compliance Program guidelines. The portal is available on the VUMC website.
VUMC Compliance Portal Training Requirements for Staff
VUMC uses the Kronos Onboarding Portal to update the personal information of new employees and provide them with access to a number of resources, including training, Occupational Health screening, and required immunizations. In addition, the system supports the VUMC New Employee Orientation Period, which helps new employees adjust to their new work environment. This orientation period lasts three months for hourly employees and six months for exempt employees. Internal transfers do not qualify for this period.
Compliance training for staff at VUMC includes a wide range of topics including Title IX reporting requirements, annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and sexual misconduct. Trainings for supervisors also cover the grievance process. Regulations also address the rights of survivors during the grievance process, such as the right to present evidence and to appear at live hearings. Supervisors who are involved in research are also required to receive compliance training.
Training Requirements for Students
The VUMC compliance portal offers a variety of online courses related to research safety and compliance. These courses are aimed at students, supervisors and faculty. These courses also address the importance of informed consent and safety for research participants. By using this training, students can learn more about the regulations that apply to their own studies.
Before implementing the VUMC compliance portal, the organization used the eTimesheet program for timekeeping. This system allowed non-exempt staff to submit timesheets online and enabled managers to review them electronically. Kronos was eventually replaced by Epic Leap, which is used by all VUMC employees. Earlier, the hospital also used the FACTr system to manage billing compliance for clinical trials. However, this system was sunsetted in November 2017 with the implementation of Epic Leap. Now, all VUMC employees use Epic Leap to record time.