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D2L PDX – How to Navigate D2L PDX

When you first log in to D2L PDX, you may not know how to navigate around the website. However, there are some basic steps that you can follow. Here, we’ll discuss the Login page, the Home page, Courses and the Mail system. After you have mastered these steps, you should be able to easily navigate through the platform.

D2L PDX Login

If you are a Portland State University student, you have most likely used D2L for class purposes in the past. D2L is a Learning Management System that offers a centralized location to access academic resources. It offers a secure environment to conduct online learning and enables 24/7 access to academic resources. The D2L portal is accessible to both faculty and students.

D2L PDX Home Page

In the D2L pdx home page, you’ll find news, a calendar of course events, links to tools, and important course content. It’s a great place to start and give students a feel for what they’ll be learning. It will also have a navigation bar to access all of the commonly used D2L pages.



The D2L course management system lets you manage your classes online. There are several features that help you organize your courses. For example, you can organize your courses into a folder based on course titles, and your instructors can use the folder to view course materials. In addition to storing course material, D2L also allows you to create a personal calendar. While other students can view this calendar, you can use it to contact other students and instructors.

The home page is the first page of an online course, and it includes course news, calendars, and links to tools. This page should give your students an idea of what they will learn throughout the course. In addition, your course home page will have a navigation bar that gives you access to some of the more universal D2L pages.

Mail system

If you’ve taken classes at PSU, you’ve most likely used the D2L mail system. This separate email system works independently of the PDX Gmail account that you might be using. It has a number of different features, and you can even customize your messages if you want. The Office of Information Technology also maintains a variety of D2L how-to guides.

After you’ve signed up for a D2L account, you’ll notice a D2L menu at the top of the screen. From here, you can change your profile, view your notifications, and access your account settings. Also, on the left side of the homepage is a global Announcement widget. This allows you to see the latest system updates and important announcements.

Course materials requests

Course materials requests are made by instructors for a variety of reasons, including tenure and promotion. In some cases, instructors may request archival copies of old courses. Although such transfers are difficult to facilitate, it is possible to request the materials of a course from years ago. In most cases, course materials will still be accessible, but may not contain student materials or reflect the original design.

One option for course materials is to create videos using web-based applications. Many are documented on YouTube. A helpful video tutorial will teach you how to embed a video in D2L. Once a video is embedded, the screen will look like the one below. You can create quick links in the video to open the URL in a separate window.

Shafiq Ch

Shafiq Ch is a SEO service provider and writer at LMSVU. He discusses SEO, guest posts, backlinks, and On-page, Off-page issues. He has experience of 7 years in the field of SEO.

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