MSUM Eservices | How To Use MSUM Eservices
MSUM Eservices is the online system that allows students to register for classes, accept awards of financial aid, and pay tuition. Students can also view their transcripts and change their address. To sign up for eServices, students need to activate their StarID and create a password. MSUM Eservices is easy to use and allows students to complete many tasks without the assistance of a college official.
Registration with MSUM Eservices
MSUM Eservices registration is one of the ways students can register for classes. It is part of the Integrated Student Record System (ISRS), which is maintained by the Minnesota State system. To register for classes, students must activate their StarID and set a password to access the system. Afterward, they can perform a variety of tasks such as paying tuition and fees, viewing transcripts, accepting financial aid awards, and changing personal information. If you have trouble registering for classes, contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance.
After completing registration, students will find themselves at My Dashboard. Select Courses and Registration from the left-hand menu. Next, click on the “Quick Add” link in the middle of the page. Type in the 9-digit course ID and eServices password to complete the process. After entering this information, click “Register”. The process is complete once you have confirmed your email and password.
Registration begins on Monday, October 17, at 9am. There are no registration windows, access codes, or deadlines for summer 2023. All students are eligible to register, except those with holds. Students can find out if they have any holds on their accounts, including those from previous universities. Students with a previous degree and those with an MSUM degree do not need access codes.
Summer Pell Grant
If you plan to enroll in a course during the summer term, you must meet the eligibility requirements for the Summer Pell Grant. The number of credits you will take during the summer term determines the amount of aid you can receive. Be aware that the actual amount of the grant may vary from the amount you are offered.
Summer session funding is available through federal programs such as the Pell Grant and federal direct loans. You can also apply for general university scholarships. In addition, the College of Science, Health, and the Environment invites research proposals to support undergraduate research. The funding is open to all majors in the College of Science, Health, and the Environment.
For students who don’t qualify for a Pell Grant, the state of Minnesota provides SELF loans at a low interest rate. Under this program, you can borrow up to $20,000 per academic year. However, you must have a co-signer and be enrolled in six or more credits. In addition to this, you must complete Entrance Loan Counseling before your first loan disbursement.
MSUM’s Federal School Code is 002367. Applicants must have a FSA ID number in order to be eligible for financial aid. The Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid is your number one resource for applying for financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will determine your eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid. Please note that MSUM has a wait list, and applicants may be required to provide additional documentation.